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The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) is the foremost national science and technology institution in Ghana. It was established in its present form by NLC Decree 293 of 1968 and later re-established by the CISR Act 521 of 1996. However, its origins can be traced back to the former National Research Council (NCR), which was established in 1959.

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Fundraising Strategies

Various strategies will be adopted to mobilize funds. There will be three main avenues for the fundraising exercise: Internal fund mobilization from the CSIR; corporate/ government/ international organizations; and Individual donors

Mobilization From Within CSIR

Staff of CSIR have agreed to donate 1% of their basic salaries for five (5) years to raise seed capital.

  1. All 13 Institutes of the CSIR and the CSIR Head Office have agreed to contribute 2% of net IGF towards the Fund for five (5) years.
  2. Researchers have agreed to contribute 2% of benefits they receive from project incomes, consultancies, etc. to the Fund.
  3. CSIR staff have also agreed to make voluntary contributions to the Fund
Mobilization From The Private Sector

CSIR would like to invite the following to come and support the Endowment Fund:

  1. Our numerous stakeholders and clientele.
  2. Private Companies, Industries and Businesses.
  3. Civil Society Organizations.
  4. Donor Agencies, International Organizations, Foreign Missions
  5. Individual philanthropists, and groups resident in Ghana and abroad
  6. All friends and well-wishers of CSIR, including especially those who benefit from the CSIR technologies.
  7. CSIR will enter into public-private-partnership agreements to establish businesses that will financially yield returns to support the Fund.
  8. CSIR will build stronger partnerships with the media with the aim of sensitizing industry and the general public to access CSIR technologies and at the same time supporting.