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The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) is the foremost national science and technology institution in Ghana. It was established in its present form by NLC Decree 293 of 1968 and later re-established by the CISR Act 521 of 1996. However, its origins can be traced back to the former National Research Council (NCR), which was established in 1959.

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Some Of The Achievements of The CSIR

Institute Achievements
CSIR - Animal Research Institute (CSIR - ARI)
  • Development of Nucleus breeding population of ARIBRO chicks.
  • Development of feed for poultry, ruminants and other farm animals.
  • Development of techniques for animal production.
CSIR - Building & Road REsearch Institute (CSIR - BRRI)
  • Development of Pozzolana cement from bauxite waste and calcined clay which replaces 25 5o 30% fo Portland cement.
  • Development of steel slag cement.
  • Development of fast track cost-saving building techologies that gives a saving of at least 20% over traditional methods.
CSIR - Crops Research Institute (CSIR - CRI)
  • The Institute has developed and released improved varieties of maize (33), sweet potato (17), cassava (17), groundnut (15), cowpea (14), tomato (2), soybean (9), rice (14), cocoyam / taro (7), etc.
  • Development of improved crop production techniques including the use of aeroponics and hydroponics techniques for increased production.
  • Diagnosis of crop diseases such as tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV) and cassaa mosaic virus (CMV)
CSIR - Food Research Institute (CSIR - FRI)
  • Plantain Fufu Flour
  • Cocoyam Flour
  • Yam Fufu Flour
  • Kokonte Flour
  • Maize Grits
  • Maize Cereal Mix
  • Rice Cereal Mix
  • Groundnut Paste
  • Banku Mix
  • Gari
  • Maize Meal
  • Fresh Mushroom
  • Spawns Compost Bags
CSIR - Forestry Research Of Ghana (CSIR - FORIG)
  • Promotion and utilization of lesser-used timber species (LUS)
  • Solar kiln drying of lumber
  • Furniture and wood stability testing
  • Production and supply of quality tree see germplasm
  • Alternative livelihood support programme. i.e. Bee keeping, snail farming, Mushroom cultivation, etc.
CSIR - Institute Of Industrial Research (CSIR-IIR)
  • Design and fabrication of equipment's for processing loose compost from digestate of a bio digester.
  • Technology developed for the extraction for essentias oils from citronella.
  • Bio-gas technology from waste management and faecal waste.
  • Development and pilot plant production of Alumino-Silicate refractory / insulating bricks from local raw materials
  • Design and construction of ceramic firing kilns, furnaces and hospital waste incinerators
CSIR - Institute for Scientific & Technological Information (CSIR - INSTI)
  • Developed CSIR Digital Agricultural Innovation Hub
  • Technology support for farmer and SME's in Agribusiness
  • Online Agriculture Research Data and Technology Repository
CSIR - Oil Palm Research Institute (CSIR - OPRI)
  • Breeding of high-yielding and disease-tolerant oil palm and coconut hybrids.
  • Production of certified oil palm and coconut hybrids.
  • Raising of high quality transplatable seedlings of oil palm and coconut
  • Collaboration with private sector for virgin coconut oil production
CSIR - Plant Genetic Resources Research Institute (CSIR - PGRRI)
  • Collected and conserved over ten thousand (10,000) accessions of various plant species.
  • Promoted the cultivation and processing of nutmeg and black pepper as non-traditional export crops.
  • Established a 16.5 hectare arboretum where both local and exotic plants are conserved.
CSIR - Savannah Agricultural Research Institute (CSIR - SARI) The institute has developed and released improved varieties of maize (10), rice (6), soybean (8), cowpea (7), groundnut (6), sorghum (2), millet (5), cotton (2), cassava (3), sweet potato (7) and Frafra potato (5) through collaborative research and funding from Government of Ghana and other international donor partners. CSIRSARI has also developed technologies in tillage and agronomic practices that are farmer friendly and compatible with the local farming systems in Northern Ghana
CSIR - Soil Research Institute (CSIR - SRI)
  • Developed crop specific and agroecology specific mineral fertilizer recommendations and blends for increased maize, rice, soybean and cassava production.
  • Soil resources of Ghana mapped out, described, evaluated and digitalized
  • Soil suitability assessment and management recommendations established for the production of food and cash crops.
  • The Sawah technology (integrated) soil, water and nutrient management system for lowland rice production.
CSIR - Water Research Institute (CSIR - WRI)
  • Water quality monitoring and assessments of surface waters in South-Western, Coastal and Volta River systems of Ghana.
  • Building understanding of climate variability into planning of groundwater supplies from low storage Aquifers in Africa.
  • Assessing the efficacy of ziolite in removing fluoride from groundwater.