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The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) is the foremost national science and technology institution in Ghana. It was established in its present form by NLC Decree 293 of 1968 and later re-established by the CISR Act 521 of 1996. However, its origins can be traced back to the former National Research Council (NCR), which was established in 1959.

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Compelling Case

Fund's Compelling Case

The CSIR Science for Impact Fund is expected to facilitate scientific research and the development of innovative technologies to significantly impact industries and communities by:

  1. Driving Innovation, Technology Development and Transfer
  2. Empowering Scientific Research
  3. Enchancing Reputation and Global Standing
  4. Ensuring Institutional Resilience and Continuity
  5. Promoting Social Inclusion and Sustainable Development
  6. Amplifying Social Impact of CSIR
  7. Supporting Corporate Social Responsibilities of Industries / Companies to Maximize Impact
  8. Ensuring Sustainable Financial Stability

The Fund will prioritize developmental projects that target multi-sectoral collaboration with focus on impacting communities for wealth creation. Special emphasis will be placed on addressing the unique needs and vulnerabilities of women and children. Additionally, the fund is intended for scientific research and technological innovations aimed at promoting problem-solving in our society, industries, etc, through innovative technology transfer.

In this process, CSIR will build partnerships with the Private Sector, Not-for-Profit and Civil Society Organisations, and other companies and organisations to co-develop and implement projects to fulfil their corporate social responsibilities.

It is hoped that the Fund will bridge the research funding gap and spur inclusive socio-economic development by addressing local needs. The research areas will be updated annually to reflect emerging issues and changing societal needs in line with international, regional and national development agenda.